It is recommend creating a new user (Temporary User) to register & activate the subdomain.
To complete this go to Users> Active Users > Add a user
Note: Teams Upgrade “Teams Only” vs. “Islands”:
To use Teams Direct Routing, users need to be in the Teams Only mode as “Islands” mode together with Direct Routing no longer is supported by Microsoft.
This can be set either per user or globally in Microsoft Teams Admin Centre:
If you already are using Teams or are coming from a Skype for Business solution check that you are set to Teams Only already, to be able to use our service.
New Teams customers should have Teams Only as standard set globally already.
If you cannot set all Company to Teams Only check that you have the correct DNS settings for your tenant domain for Microsoft Office Online.
To pair the Office 365
together with Channel UC SBC infrastructure access your Teams Admin Centre with
full administrative rights (min. Teams Administrator) and go to the Voice Menu
on the left side, choose Direct Routing.
Add a new SBC (note the customer unique sbcaxxxx name) by pressing Add.
Enter the SBC FQDN
(sbcaxxxx) name received by Channel UC, add a description as well as change the
SBC settings as shown below:
Note that the sbcaxxx name should be exchanged to the one received by Channel UC.
Leave the remaining settings as they are. Once applied the settings will be visible under SBCs.
To make a call, a PSTN usage rule and a Voice route policy are required.
Click the Voice Route field next to the SBCs field and click
Fill out the information needed as below:
Under SBCs enrolled click Add SBCs and choose the SBC created in the step above (example:
Under PSTN usage records click Add PSTN usage
and click Add and add a new PSTN usage record ( give this record a name)
Save and apply
Once this is done a new VoiceRoutingPolicy needs to be added.
In the TAC menu go to Voice -> Voice routing policies
and Add a new policy, use the information below:
Add the just created PSTN usage record by clicking the Add PSTN usage and choosing “name the record”. Apply
Make sure that the user licenses are applied to the users before this step!
To add or change users go to Users -> Manage Users in your TAC.
Here you should be able to see your current active users listed. Click on the Display Name of one of them to see further information.
Under the Account information click Edit next to General information:
Set the Phone number type as: Direct Routing and add the designated number for the user under Assigned Phone number in form of: “+CountryCodeandnumber” (ie. +61xxxxxxxx) and Apply.
One also needs to assign a Voice Routing Policy to the user by going in under the users Policies.
Here one can see all the assigned policies for the user. Click on Edit and change the Voice routing policy to the policy added in the Step 4 called: Example-No Restrictions. Apply.
This way all users will be calling per default via the Global Teams Calling policy. See the TAC under Voice -> Calling policies -> Global. It is on this policy things like “Busy-on-Busy” settings can be set.
If you want to further control users and functionality, we recommend creating a new Teams Calling Policy in the TAC under Voice -> Calling Policies where you for example set “Busy on Busy” as enabled as well as maybe other settings.
Remember that this policy must then be changed/set for all the users that you want to use this new policy with.
For utilizing short number calling through Channel UC Teams service changes need to be applied to the Teams DailPlan in Office365
Access the Teams Admin Centre as an administrator through your Office 365 Admin Portal. Once logged in go to Voice -> Dial plans
Examples below:
Remember to press Save at the bottom of the page.
This should complete the basic setup of MS direct routing.
For any addtional support contact