Channel UC NBN Portal - Order NBN Layer 3 TC4 Product

Channel UC NBN Portal - Order NBN Layer 3 TC4 Product


This document details the process of submitting a Connect order to NBN for a new Traffic Class 4 (TC4) internet service using the New Order wizard in the Channel UC NBN (Wholesale) web platform


1          Glossary

This document contains several defined terms, listed in Title Case, which are defined as below:




Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line


(You) Our business partner who is placing this order


The technology type behind the Enterprise Ethernet access technologies

End User

The person or entity who is wanting the network connection


Full National Number – the telephone number associated with a landline


National Broadband Network


The company behind the National Broadband Network


The technology type behind the Fibre access technology


The technology type behind the Copper access technologies


The technology type behind the Hybrid-Fibre Coaxial (HFC) access technology


The technology type behind the Wireless and Fixed Wireless access technologies


The technology type behind the Satellite access technology


Network Termination Device – the NBN box at the premises that the internet line terminates at


Network Connection Device – box installed inside a property for FTTC connections


Distribution Point Unit – box in pit or on power-pole for FTTC connections


The site for which the Service will be connected


The building at the Location to which the Service will be connected


The request to NBN to activate a new Service on a Product for a Location


Plain Old Telecom Service – legacy voice service on a copper line


The connection between the premises and the NBN network over which the Service is provided


Retail Service Provider – a company that on-sells the NBN services


The virtual service provided that connects a user to the NBN network


Authentication and routing configuration on Channel UC NBN Portal infrastructure

Provisioning Request

The request to perform Provisioning of a service


Universal Local Loop – identifier for a legacy copper telecommunications line


Voice over Internet Protocol – a digital telephone service over a data service


2          Required Information

Submitting an order for a NBN Service requires you to have certain information ready.  You can pause the New Order wizard at any time to retrieve information necessary before continuing.


You must only submit an order if you have explicit consent from the end user receiving the service.


2.1.1        No Battery Backup Service

You are unable to request a Battery Backup Service for NFAS (Fibre) connections through Channel UC NBN Portal.  The End User must be made aware of and consent to this restriction.


2.1.2        Customer Authorisation Date

The End User must have given you consent for this order within the 45 days prior to submission.



2.2        Address & Location

You must have some means of identifying the premises to receive the service.  This could be the NBN Location #, the street address, the geo-coordinates or the GNAF # for the premises.

More information regarding the address connectivity and lines will be made available in the Site Qualification step of the wizard.  This also includes the lines and devices available at the location, which are used to determine which service to connect or to transfer.


2.2.1        Copper Pair ID (CPI)

Connections using one of the NCAS (copper) technologies require that you also specify the Copper Pair ID (CPI) for the line that goes to the premises in question. 


2.2.2        NTD and UNI Port

Connection technologies that use a Network Termination Device (NTD) provided by NBN will require you to specify both the NTD # and the UNI Port # used to connect the premises. 

3          Log Into Channel UC NBN Portal

Log into you need access speak to your designated administrative user or our Support Team.

4          New Order Wizard

Ordering a NBN service is done via the New Order wizard which takes you through a step-by-step process that can be left and resumed later as necessary.  This wizard is linked to from the Quick Links on the Dashboard and is also accessible from the sidebar as NBN > Orders > New Order.

4.1        Navigation

The New Order wizard consists of six (6) steps accessed in order, one at a time, with a progress bar shown below every step.  Each page has at least two buttons to navigate through the wizard:

1.       The left-most is a back/cancel button that discards unsaved changes and goes back.

2.       The right-most button saves the current page and moves onto the next step.

3.       In the middle may be some action buttons specific to the current step.


4.2        Start

This page starts the ordering process and will have the “Start a new Product Order” option selected by default.  The page may also list Incomplete Orders to be continued.


4.2.1        Incomplete Orders

If you have any incomplete orders last updated within the last 90 days, they will be listed here – up to a max of 10.  Incomplete orders will have a status of ‘Pending’ until the wizard is complete.



4.3        Address

This step lets you specify the premises that this order is to be placed against.  You can search for a matching address by providing one of the following values:

·         The Location Reference # provided by NBN for the premises.

e.g., LOC123456123456


·         The full address string to the physical premises or lot.  Postal boxes will not be accepted.

e.g., 123a Some Street, Example Town, NSW 2000


·         The geo-coordinate values (longitude, latitude) which can be taken from an online map.

e.g., 147.37863960, -35.17848356


·         The Geoscape Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) reference #

e.g., GANSW716475539



4.3.1        Advanced Form

Click the Advanced button at the bottom to open a larger form for a more specific address search.  The Close Advanced button at the bottom will return you to the simple search form.


4.3.2        Multiple Results

If there are multiple results to your search, you will be asked to select the correct one to continue.


4.4        Site Qualification

The next step is the Site Qualification page, showing what can be ordered for the site, what technologies are in use and how the site connects to the larger NBN network.


4.4.1        Premises

This confirms the address for which the Site Qualification is being shown.  The Map button will toggle a Google Maps frame centered on the location.


4.4.2        Connectivity

This shows how the premises is connected to the larger national network, and how NBN treats the geographic region.

The fields under the Connectivity section can be:

4.4.3        Serviceability

This shows how the service will run on the NBN network and coexistence with legacy networks.


The fields under the Serviceability section can be:


4.4.4        Available Services

This section lists the available products and services orderable for this premises.         No Available Services

If there are no available services for a location and Channel UC NBN Portal is unable to let you order a new line, you will see the below notice.  Contact our Wholesale Support Team for assistance in this case.         Orders Not Accepted

We do not accept orders for locations of certain service classes, and if so, a notice will be shown at the top of the page.  You will also be unable to progress any further through the wizard.

Service classes that are not accepted are:

·         # 0                          Location planned for Fibre.

·         # 7                          Location planned for Satellite.

·         # 8                          Location serviceable by Satellite, no Dish or NTD.

·         # 9                          Location serviceable by Satellite.

·         # 10                        Location planned for Copper.

·         # 20                        Location planned for HFC.

·         # 30                        Location planned for FTTC.


Contact our Wholesale Support Team for further information and assistance in these situations.         Fibre (NFAS)

This is the preferred technology to have, fibre connected all the way up to the premises and terminated at an NBN-supplied Network Termination Device (NTD).  Each NTD will have 4 data (UNI-D) and 2 voice (UNI-V) ports that can each have a service connected to it.

Ordering against a UNI-V port through Channel UC NBN Portal is not supported at this time.         Fibre To The Building (NCAS)

These are locations with fibre to the building and then copper lines to the individual premises.  Some lines will require transitioning the line to the NBN network as part of the order process.         Fibre To The Curb (NCAS)

These are locations with fibre to a pit in the street, with legacy copper connecting each premises.  Some lines will require transitioning the line to the NBN network as part of the order process.         Fibre To The Node (NCAS)

These are locations with fibre to a node in the suburb, with legacy copper to each of the premises.  Some lines will require transitioning the line to the NBN network as part of the order process.         HFC (NHAS)

These are locations that use the Hybrid-Fibre Coaxial (HFC) cables installed for Pay-TV to connect the premises to the NBN network.  There is only one UNI-D port for each HFC NTD.         Wireless (NWAS)

Locations that do not have existing copper infrastructure will be connected to the NBN Network via Wireless technology, with radio dishes installed at the premises talking to a local tower.         Enterprise Ethernet (EEAS)

Certain locations may be eligible to have an Enterprise Ethernet (EE) service added, and these will be indicated by an extra box under the Available Services section. 


4.4.5        New Lines

Many technologies will have an option to request an additional device or line to be added.  This will likely incur a New Development Charge from NBN, but it may be waived for some circumstances.


4.4.6        Fees

Lines or ports listed under the Available Services section with a possible fee will have a coloured badge in the “Fees” column.   A legend will also be shown on the page to explain the fees.

4.4.7        Qualification Options

For some service classes there will be options used to identify which line is to be selected for the Order.  Enter the details and then click the Update Qualification button to reload the page.


If you have already provided the options, there will be notices shown at the top of the form.         Customer Authority Date

If the End User is transferring an active NBN Service from another RSP you may need to provide the Customer Authority Date – when you received the authorisation from the End User for this Order.  This is only shown if the Location has one of several NCAS (copper-line) service classes.

Once the Site Qualification has been updated with a Customer Authority Date the Available Services list will show if a Transition Service Identifier (as FNN or ULL) is associated to each line.         Transition Service Identifier

The Transition Service Identifier is used to identify the legacy telecommunications service (POTS / ADSL) provided over the copper-line to the premises.  This is needed if an existing phone service is to be transferred over to a VoIP line on top of the new NBN connection.

It is also used to identify which line is to be used for the new NBN Service.  Providing either the FNN or the ULL and updating the Site Qualification will show which line matches the number.


4.5        End User

The End User is the entity that has requested and will be receiving the service from NBN.  This can be a person (for residential orders), a business or other official entity.

The name is required for the Order but the details will be reused as defaults for other related tasks, such as creating an Appointment or a Trouble Ticket.

4.5.1        Existing

You can select from an existing End User client when placing the order.  This will mostly be to reuse a Business that is requesting multiple services, such as for different sites.
The details of the selected client will be shown in a box below the input selection box.

4.5.2        Add New

Select the “None (Add New User Below)” option for the Client selection box to reveal the Add New section of the page.  Pick the relevant Client Type and then fill out the form that is shown.


4.5.3        Client Type: Residential

The default type of End User is Residential and only supports a minimal set of data. 

·         Name                                    (Required)          The name of the person who requested the Service.

·         Phone                                   (Optional)           Contact phone for the End-User

·         Email                                     (Optional)           Contact email for the End-User.

4.5.4        Client Type: Business

If the End User is a business, there are additional fields that you can provide information for.

·         Name                                    (Required)          The official name for the business.

·         Trading Name    (Optional)           The common trading name for the business.

·         ABN / ACN                          (Optional)           The official ID for the business.

·         Parent Entity                      (Optional)           The reseller selling the Service to the End User.

·         Contact Name   (Optional)           Contact Person for the business.

·         Phone                                   (Optional)           Contact phone for the business.

·         Email                                     (Optional)           Contact email for the business.

·         Size                                        (Optional)           Size of the business.

·         NBN BIZ ID #                       (Optional)           The Business Information Record ID for the business.


4.6        Products

On this step you will specify the details of the product and service ordered from Channel UC NBN Portal, which will closely match the underlying NBN product that will be ordered to support it.


4.6.1        Product

Specify the type of service being ordered and the underlying product details. 

·         Service Type                      The network layer and VLAN mode of the connection

·         Term Length                                      The minimum contract term for service.

·         Bandwidth                                          The bandwidth allocations (the speeds) for the connection

·         Restoration SLA                                The SLA for restoring the connection if it fails.



Changing the Service Type field will cause the Bandwidth field to repopulate with the available bandwidth products suitable for the selected service type.

4.6.2        Options

The different technologies used to connect the Location have different required and optional fields needed for submitting the Order.         RSP Reference

Every order requires you to provide the RSP Reference value, which is your reference number for this order.  If you do not have your own reference number, we recommend using the Location #. 

Channel UC NBN Portal will automatically assign the shown prefix to this value when submitting to NBN, enabling filtering and statistical reporting of services.  This prefix is broken down as:

·         “W” to indicate that you are a wholesale customer of Channel UC NBN 

·         “AAA” which will be replaced with your Customer Abbreviation instead

·         “R” or “B” which indicate a “Residential” or “Business” end user respectively


4.6.3        Copper Based Technologies (NCAS)

Locations with an NCAS primary access technology require the user to specify which Copper Pair line to order against – the CPI #.  These will be grouped in the drop down for Used, Active and Inactive lines, with each record also showing the service class and the co-existence value.

A single Location can have lines with different service classes, and the form will automatically show and hide sections as relevant to the selected Copper Pair.  You can also choose to have a new copper line installed at the location.

·         RSP Reference                  Your reference number for the Order.

·         Copper Pair                                         The copper pair line the Service will be connected over.

4.6.4        Other Technologies (NFAS, NHAS, NWAS)

All other supported technology types will be connecting the user via a NTD and UNI port, which will need to be selected.  For NHAS (HFC) the UNI-D Port will be hidden and set automatically.

Orders for NFAS (Fibre) will also be asked to give informed consent regarding the lack of Battery Backup Service available to orders submitted via Channel UC NBN Portal.

·         RSP Reference                  Your reference number for the Order.

·         NTD                                                       The NTD device the Service will be connected to.

·         UNI-D Port                                          The device port the Service will be connected to. Not for NHAS.

·         Informed Consent                           NFAS only.  Consent to the lack of Battery Backup Service.         Service Transfer

When transferring an existing NBN Service from another provider you will need to provide the Customer Authorisation Date, if not already specified from the Site Qualification.

There may also be an option to port the local number for the voice service with the transfer.         Installation

If the Premises does not have all the hardware required to connect the Service a technician will need to be dispatched to install it.  By default, the workforce to do the installation is sent by nbnco but some technologies support the RSP dispatching their own technicians.

Depending upon the Primary Access Technology, you may be able to mark whether Jumpering is required, indicate that a Central Splitter exists, or specify the Customer Required Date.

The selected value for the Install Workforce field will determine whether the Device Details, Delivery Address and Appointment sections are shown to you and if certain fields are required.         Device Details

For a NHAS (HFC) Service Class 22 service, when the RSP Install or RSP Install End User options are selected you will be asked to specify the details of the NTD device that will be installed.

4.6.5        Appointment

For certain service classes, an appointment is required to arrange for an NBN technician to undertake work required before the Service can be connected.


If an appointment of a certain demand type is required, a notice will be shown indicating as such.


You can either provide the APT # for an existing appointment reservation, or you can book a new reservation by clicking the Reserve button.  This button will open the Appointment wizard in a new browser tab or window, prefilled with the details of this order, and confirmed in a prompt.

Complete the Appointment wizard and the window or tab will close automatically, returning you to the New Order wizard, but now with the Appointment ID field filled in and read-only.


4.6.6        Delivery Address

For NHAS (HFC) Service Class 23 there may be situations where you must specify the delivery address and associated options for posting hardware to the Premises for the End User to install.


4.6.7        Site Access

For EEAS (Enterprise Ethernet) services you will be asked to provide Site Access information.

4.6.8        Submission

You can choose to delay the submission of this order until a specific date and time.  The time must be at a 15-minute interval and can only be up to 2 weeks into the future.

This feature may not be enabled for you. Talk to our Wholesale Support Team for more details.


4.6.9        Order Costs

At the bottom of the page, it will show the estimated Order Costs as determined by the selections made in the Product section, plus any fees indicated by the Site Qualification.

These values are indicative only, with the actual pricing being set by your wholesale pricing agreement and the invoices generated that include this service.


4.6.10    Place Order

When everything is ready click the Place Order button to continue.


4.6.11    Form Validation

If you have attempted to submit the form but have made a mistake, like leaving a required field empty, the form will reload and show a notice at the top indicating the problem.  Fix the issue and then resubmit the page.


4.6.12    Submission Errors

If you have submitted the form and it returns to the New Order: Product step with a red notice (shown below) it means either:

·         An internal validation check failed, and the order would have been rejected by NBN; or

·         NBN rejected the order, likely due to it failing their own validation checks.

 Failed to submit the Product Order to NBN. If you repeatedly get this error, please contact us on 1300369936 for assistance.

If this occurs for your order, contact our Wholesale Support Team for assistance.  They will review and re-submit your order either via Channel UC NBN Portal or directly via the NBN Service Portal as needed.

4.7        Finish

Once the order has successfully been submitted, the New Order wizard will complete, and you will no longer be able to navigate through any pages.  Only the New Order: Finish page will be accessible, showing the details of the submitted order.


4.7.1        Delayed Orders

If the order was requested to be submitted at a specific date/time a notice will appear at the top of the page, like the example below.  The Status will also be displayed as “Delayed”.


4.7.2        Order Details

A summary of the submitted order will be displayed here on the page for quick reference.  More details are accessible via the NBN Ref # link which takes you to the Order Details page.

You can also click on the Address link to go to the relevant Address details page.         Order Status

The status of the order depends on how far through NBN is in the processing of it.  It will change automatically as NBN progresses through the order processing until Completed or Rejected. 
The order can also be Cancelled by the Access Seeker while still in-flight and prior to the Point of No Return (PoNR), using the Cancel Order button in the Order Details.
The order is still being placed via the New Order wizard in Channel UC NBN Portal
Channel UC NBN Portal
The order is delayed and will be sent to NBN at the specified time
Channel UC NBN Portal
The order will be reviewed before submission to NBN
Channel UC NBN Portal
NBN has acknowledged receipt of the order request
NBN has accepted the order request and will attempt processing
The order was accepted and is currently being processed by NBN.
The order has fully completed with the product and service created
The order was rejected by NBN and will not be processed.
The order was cancelled before it completed.
An error occurred.  The order was probably not submitted to NBN.
Channel UC NBN Portal

4.7.3        Appointment

If the order has an appointment, it will be shown here with a link to view the appointment details. 


4.7.4        Provisioning

Every connection ordered from NBN needs to be provisioned with Channel UC NBN Portal for it to work correctly.  Provisioning affects the authentication and routing of a connection.

The Provision Order wizard makes this process quick and easy to do, and a request can be submitted early to be processed automatically when the order is completed.         Provisioning Needed

The order is not provisioned. Click the Request Provisioning button to submit a request.         Provisioning Incomplete

There is an unfinished Provisioning Request.  Click the Finish Provisioning button to complete it.         Provisioning Complete

A Provisioning Request has been submitted for this order, click View Provisioning for more details.



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